Shema Yisrael Torah Network

The Shema Yisrael Torah Network is a group of (mainly English) websites dedicated to spread Jewish thought, halakha (Jewish law) and other material through the World Wide Web, Email and written material.

Shema Yisrael offers distance-learning classes in a variety of topics in halakha ranging from introductory level classes to advanced classes to aid in preparation for semicha examinations. Classes include kashrut, general halakha according to the Shulchan Aruch, Shabbos, Pesach, and Issur v'Heter. The more advanced classes can lead to semicha.

Shema Yisrael's rabbis can be found in many institutions. For example, Rav Dovid Bendory is a member of the Rabbinical Council of America and the Union of Orthodox Rabbis. Other rabbis serve as kashrut administrators for the Orthodox Union, in pulpits, or as well-educated members of their synagogues.

The Shema Yisrael Torah Network is an international network of Jewish educational centers and Internet portals. It has been providing information and resources to Jewish communities worldwide for close to 20 years.

The Shema Yisrael Torah Network is a group of (mainly English) websites dedicated to spread Jewish thought, halakha (Jewish law) and other material through the World Wide Web, Email and written material.


In 2000, The Shema Yisrael Torah Network, together with Pirchei Shoshanim, developed the Shulchan Aruch Learning Project which provides educational classes to everyone interested in learning Halacha and learning more about Judaism, in general. They are committed to helping people to learn Shulchan Aruch by offering a program featuring extensive courses and information. They even offer smicha at the course completion for those who wish to pursue their studies.

Regardless of one's experience and teachings, they can teach anyone about Torah and Halacha and can also help enlighten anyone on how to properly pray, keep a kosher kitchen, learn Hebrew, and much more. One can complete the Shulchan Aruch program at their own pace and according to their own schedule. Their rabbis are also available to answer any questions that one may have.

Shema Yisrael offers distance-learning classes in a variety of topics in halacha ranging from introductory level classes to advanced classes to aid in preparation for semicha examinations. Classes include kashrut, general halacha according to the Shulchan Aruch, Shabbos, Pesach, and Issur v'Heter. The more advanced classes can lead to semicha.

The director of this project is Rabbi Fishel Todd. The staff includes many Rabbanim including Rav Tzvi Oshinsky, Rabbi Daniel Channen, Rabbi Dovid Ostroff and Reb Aharon Schenkolewski. The staff members are dedicated to reaching out and establishing relationships with their talmidim from all over the world.

Shema Yisrael's rabbis can be found in many institutions. For example, Rav Dovid Bendory is a member of the Rabbinical Council of America and the Union of Orthodox Rabbis. Other rabbis serve as kashrut administrators for the Orthodox Union, in pulpits, or as well-educated members of their synagogues.


One of the many facets of Pirchei Shoshanim is that the United States Department of Defense accredits and recognizes Pirchei Shoshanim and its Semicha as an endorser of Orthodox Jewish Military Chaplains to all branches of the U.S. Military. What started out as children’s learning groups in many of Lakewood’s schools has now grown to have the Pirchei Shoshanim’s Semicha recognized as the equivalent to a Masters Degree in the eyes of the Department of Defense. This is a prerequisite in order to enter the Army, Navy or Air Force as a Jewish Chaplain.

With Pirchei Shoshanim becoming in essence the Yeshivisha (ultra Orthodox) entrance to the Military, it has helped change the way the Military views Jews and the practice of Judaism throughout the world. The adherence to Halacha in the eyes of the Military has taken on a new meaning.


The Shema Yisrael Torah Network is constantly developing new programs and educational tools to assist Jewish communities worldwide. The Shema Yisrael team has now seen fit to take on the role of reaching out to Jewish Business owners worldwide who need guidance and are seeking to Network with others. Shema will help in providing Mentors to assist them in many aspects of the structure of their business. They are currently building a worldwide data base of Networking with others in all fields of business. THEY SHARE A COMMITMENT TO THE FUTURE AND ARE DETERMINED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE through the use of their incredible network of students to help assist their brethren worldwide through the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression. They have been inspired by the work of ORTJET based in Johannesburg, South Africa. The project is called Shema Ort Jet USA. Their goal is simply to put people on the path to economic independence.


While running all these programs simultaneously, the Shema Yisrael Torah Network features general information on all topics pertaining to Jewish living. This includes the Jewish holidays, the weekly Torah portion, daf yomi learning, daily mishnayos learning, ask the rabbi feature, weekly news articles, and much more.

The sites history: This site was first put 'on-line' in 1995 when the internet first went from a text only network to the www enhanced format. This site was ground braking at the time being the first to offer real social networks linking Jewish organizations, with the shul, school and Mikvah networks. Users were encouraged to log in and upload updated information to its members. The site was the first to offer a dating service, closed in woman only site, prerecorded class, in English, Hebrew and Yiddish.

The two founders were Adam Tannenbaum who had the vision to spread Torah knowledge to the world using a intranet solution and Fishel Todd who supported the effort based on the Pirchei Shoshanim organization that they were running together.

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